Monday, April 4, 2011

April School Nurse's Corner: No Joke Top Ten

1. All injuries do not require ice.
2. A menstrual period is not an emergency or an illness.
3. Many infections, including colds can be avoided by washing your hands frequently.
4. Pregnancy is a state of good health, not an illness.
5. You cannot catch a cold by being overheated, feeling cold or being outside without a coat. Colds are caused by viruses.
6. If you don’t brush your teeth they will decay.
7. Pink eye is not always contagious or require treatment. It is not a reason to miss school.
8. Pregnancy and STD’s are preventable. Visit room 10 for more information and
9. Tylenol or Motrin will not help a stomach-ache, they may make it worse.
10. Marijuana causes your heart rate to increase by 20-100% shortly after using.

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