09 DEC. 2010 - C. Warrick and M. Robinson-Davis (Tech/Web Club)
For a long time, comics have been an influential part of our society. Today, that tradition continues at the Comic Book Club at University City Promise Academy. The student members are completely devoted to the stories of super-powered heroes and deadly villains.
The club is lead by Mr. Myric. The laid-back environment permeates the room, and the students have a good time doing what love. They participate in various activities that include writing out storyboards for comics, drawing or sketching comic characters, and others simply sit back and read their favorite comics.
Stan Lee, creator of Marvel Comics, is hosting a "Create Your Own Superhero" contest. The details have yet to be released, but Mr. Myric assures us that the comic club is ready to participate. We can only wait to see what fantastical heroes they'll come up with!!
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