10 March 2011 by T. Freeman (NGA) Title by L. McNear (NGA)
The 9th grade academy, along with Peer Group Connections (PGC), are fixing up the greenhouse on the third floor of Uni-versity City Promise Academy. Just a month ago the greenhouse was in sham-bles. There was glass and dirt on the floor, dead plants and broken win-dows. But in just a few weeks, the dirt, dust, and debris has been swept up; the broken glass has been removed; and we planted new seeds to replace the dead and decaying plants. In the coming months, every Saturday, the ninth grad-ers will be working to plant fruit and vegetables that will ultimately be do-nated to gardens around the city. This project will not only benefit the students of University City Promise Academy, but it also provide fresh and healthy food options for the people of Philadel-phia and work to promote the benefits of proper nutrition in the city. If you would like to join in this most important cause, please contact a member of PGC today!
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