Hey parents, are you worried about your kid’s social lives because they are spending too much time in front of screens? According to the December issue of Philadelphia Magazine, teens are spending 8.5 hours per day staring at screens. Spending that much time in front of screens is not healthy. It can have a major impact on your social life, cause a drastic change on your physical well being, and can change your psychological state. According to a popular website for parents called Parent Talk, 55 percent of the teen population of the world is addicted to being in front of a screen.
Teens today spend a lot of time in front of screens, and as a result they start to lose social skills. Teens are so busy at home on their cell phones, I pod’s, and computers, they start to forget about involvement in other social activities. For example, they could be hanging out at the mall with their friends. This may seem as an insignificant activity, but it helps a lot. Say a child gets into a conflict with someone, they will know how to resolve the problem rather than not knowing. Staying in front of those screens like they do, doesn’t help resolve the situation. Also kids who spend a lot of times in front of screens can develop a speech problem. For example, if you are spending too much time texting, or listening to your iPod then you don’t speak as often and could develop a stutter problem.
Next, teens spending a lot of time in front of screens can have a major impact on their physical wellbeing. Kids can become obese when they are sitting in front of screens. There are many advertisements for junk food products, such as candy bars chip’s, soda, etc. When teens see these advertisements they go out and buy the product, than go back in front of the screen to eat them. When teens over eat and drink like that with out moving, weight is being gained because there are no physical activities involved in their lives. That kind of lifestyle always leads to obesity.
Finally, teens that spend the majority of their time in front of screens tend to have psychological issues. These days, a lot of teens are a lot more aggressive than usual. Today hip-hop is all about drugs, money, robbery, and things of that nature, and teens tend to act that way. Television has a big impact on teen’s lives. Inappropriate activities and behaviors that are viewed on television can be interpreted as “Cool” and mimicked. What they see can lead them down the wrong path. Also when teens spend a lot of time in front of screens their attention span drops, sometimes drastically, sometime a little. Because television is so exciting, young people have become accustomed to being entertained. So when someone is talking to them, or needs their attention, the teen gets easily distracted. That’s how kids spending a lot of time in front of screens can affect their psychological state.In conclusion, kids should rethink the amount of time they spend in front of screens. It is not healthy at all to spend 8.5 hours a day in front of a screen. Kids should go out and get involved in sports, jobs, or any activity. If you are active then there should be no worries of any of these things happening. But remember that when you spend 8.5 hours a day in front of screens all of those things that were mentioned can happen.